Definitiv! Sehr schöne Unterkünfte, humane Gebühren, unkomplizierte Abwicklung.
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Selahattin A.
Enjoyed 8 days in Lagos
Enjoyed 8 days in Lagos
Très bien.
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Léa N.
She enjoyed 5 months in Brünn
She enjoyed 5 months in Brünn
really fast response and friendly team :) thank you
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Natālija T.
She enjoyed 2 months in Albufeira
She enjoyed 2 months in Albufeira
I was very happy with everything, I was able to get in contact with the services quickly.
They were accommodating.
The size of rhe apartment was really spacious.
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Karlo R.
Enjoyed 18 days in Zagreb
Enjoyed 18 days in Zagreb
Pricing and fees
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Mónica Z.
She enjoyed 1 month in Portimão
She enjoyed 1 month in Portimão
It was really nice and helpful
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Kaja K.
She enjoyed 5 months in Brünn
She enjoyed 5 months in Brünn
Satisfied! Safety! Fast and reliable!
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Carin L.
She enjoyed 1 month in Alicante
She enjoyed 1 month in Alicante
The thing I appreciated the most was the customer support, very fast and efficient. Since you can run into many scams using other sites, this site is very reliable
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Lorenzo R.
Enjoyed 5 months in Prag
Enjoyed 5 months in Prag
I would rate flatio at a solid 9 because it is transparent and quick feedback
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Lesley L.
Enjoyed 1 month in Terrassa
Enjoyed 1 month in Terrassa
This was my first try, and everything went smoothly. I was also twice in contact with their costumer service (small unimportant things), and they answered quickly and competently.
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Zoltán C.
Enjoyed 2 months in Đenovići
Enjoyed 2 months in Đenovići
the assistance during all the process for my appart looking to the day i leave. it's wonderfull
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Koffivi Sehyram D.
Enjoyed 4 months in Abrantes
Enjoyed 4 months in Abrantes
The site was also excellent, everything was fine, it was reliable.
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Katalin Á.
She enjoyed 2 months in Budapest
She enjoyed 2 months in Budapest
Flatio is positively evaluated by more than 11 600 users
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