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Adam O.
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1. 6. - 30. 6. (30 Tagen)
58  / night
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Über mich
Hello! I'm Adam. I graduated from the IT, so technically I am an IT specialist. :) But through my passion for travelling, I diverted to the hospitality fields Airbnb, Flatio, etc. So currently I work in a mixture of fields which fits me well as it is never boring and always stimulating. :) Besides that, I'm also a football player a use to play professionaly for 20 years.
Football is my passion! Football isn't just a hobby for me; it's a passion that has shaped my life in ways I couldn't have imagined. From the first time I kicked a ball on a grassy field to the countless hours spent watching matches, analyzing strategies, and debating with fellow fans, every moment has been a part of an incredible journey. There's an inexplicable magic in the way a football match unfolds. The excitement builds with every pass, every sprint down the field, and every heart-stopping moment near the goal. The unity among fans, regardless of their backgrounds, is something truly remarkable. It's as though we're all connected by an invisible thread that links our emotions, hopes, and cheers. One of the most fascinating aspects of football is its ability to teach life lessons in the midst of the game. Teamwork, determination, discipline – these traits are not only crucial on the pitch but also in our everyday lives. The resilience of players, the strategies devised by coaches, and the sheer dedication of everyone involved are inspirations that remind me of the importance of hard work and perseverance. What I find equally captivating is how football transcends boundaries. It doesn't matter if you're in a tiny village or a bustling city; the language of the game is understood by all. I've had the privilege of meeting people from different cultures, countries, and walks of life, all brought together by a shared love for the sport. The connections I've made and the friendships I've formed through this passion are treasures that I hold dear. And let's not forget the legends who have left an indelible mark on the sport. Their stories are like chapters in a grand book that narrate the evolution of football. From the iconic Pelé to the enigmatic Maradona, each player has contributed to the rich tapestry of football's history, leaving us with unforgettable moments that continue to inspire generations. As I write this, I can't help but smile at the memories that flood my mind – the jubilation of a last-minute goal, the thrill of watching a match in a stadium filled with fans, and the quiet joy of a simple kickabout with friends. Football isn't just a pastime; it's a symphony of emotions that resonates deep within me. I wanted to share my passion with you, not just as a fleeting interest but as a part of who I am. I would love to hear your thoughts and if you've had any experiences with it as well. Your stories and perspectives would mean a lot to me.

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August 2023

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